A Going Out of Business Permit must be obtained from the Santa Rosa County Tax Collector’s Office when a business, acts in such a manner, as to reasonably cause the public to believe that upon disposal of the stock or goods, it will cease operation.
Permits are issued for 60 continuous days, including weekends and holidays. Permits are neither transferable nor refundable.
The following are required to obtain a permit:
- A completed application.
- A full inventory.
- Fees of $50.00 Cash, Money Order or Bank Check only, payable to the “Santa Rosa County Tax Collector”.
- Verification that all Real Estate and Personal Property taxes are paid.
- A copy of advertisements used in the media which include the necessary verbiage.
- Surrender any applicable City or County Local Business Tax Receipt.
Please Note: Failure to comply with these requirements constitutes a second-degree misdemeanor. The State Attorney General’s Office will enforce non-compliance.